Misa Quadwave - Support

Important information for Mac users

The Misa Quadwave needs a firmware update prior in order for it to be compatible with Mac OS. Please follow these steps in order:

  1. Download and install the Misa Quadwave Configuration Tool from here.
  2. Open the Misa Quadwave Configuration Tool.
  3. Open GarageBand or another DAW. [This step is only necessary for the first update.]
  4. Connect the Misa Quadwave to your Mac with the provided USB cable.
  5. Press and hold the four corners of the Quadwave touchpad at the same time (not right on the corner - slightly inward). LED 1 and LED 2 will change to RED.
  6. After a few seconds, the Configuration Tool should detect the device.
  7. Press "Update firmware" button. This process should take less than 1 minute. Do not disconnect the Quadwave or close the program until the process is complete - doing so can permanently damage the instrument.
  8. On completion, the Misa Quadwave LED should glow blue. Close the Configuration Tool.

Your Misa Quadwave is now compatible with Mac OS.