Misa Quadwave - Support
Important information for Mac users
The Misa Quadwave needs a firmware update prior in order for it to be compatible with Mac OS. Please follow these steps in order:
- Download and install the Misa Quadwave Configuration Tool from here.
- Open the Misa Quadwave Configuration Tool.
- Open GarageBand or another DAW. [This step is only necessary for the first update.]
- Connect the Misa Quadwave to your Mac with the provided USB cable.
- Press and hold the four corners of the Quadwave touchpad at the same time (not right on the corner - slightly inward). LED 1 and LED 2 will change to RED.
- After a few seconds, the Configuration Tool should detect the device.
- Press "Update firmware" button. This process should take less than 1 minute. Do not disconnect the Quadwave or close the program until the process is complete - doing so can permanently damage the instrument.
- On completion, the Misa Quadwave LED should glow blue. Close the Configuration Tool.
Your Misa Quadwave is now compatible with Mac OS.